Contraception and Sexual Health

The University Health Centre continues to provide Contraception services as below.

Sexual Health Services are now provided by Locala.

Please check their website for more information.

Facebook: LocalaSexualHealth 

Instagram: @localasexualhealth

Twitter: @Locala_Safesex



Chlamydia is the most common sexually transmitted infection diagnosed and treated in the United Kingdom.  Highest test rates are seen mainly in young men and women less than 25 years.  Chlamydia is often asymptomatic (no symptoms present) in 70% of females and 50% of males.  If left untreated 10% to 40% of women develop pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).


The predominant mode of transmission for both HIV and STI's is sexual intercourse.  There is strong evidence to support several biological mechanisms through which STI's facilitate HIV transmission by increasing both HIV infectiousness and HIV susceptibility.  At the end of 2008 an estimated 83,000 persons of all ages were living with HIV in the UK, a quarter of who were unaware of their infection.  The infection has a prolonged "silent" period during which it often remains undiagnosed (HPA2011).

HIV Screening

If you would like a HIV screening test and not a full Sexual Health screening you can make an appointment for a blood test to screen for HIV.  Please book the appointment at Reception where you will be given information relating to the test and appointments will be made with the phlebotomist. 


If you are requiring contraception please book an appointment with the nurse.  The nurse will discuss with you your best options, these can be one of the following :-

The Contraceptive Pill, discuss insertion/removal of Implants (LARC) and Depo-Provera Injection.  Condoms can be requested at Reception or with any clinician.

Emergency Contraception

Emergency contraception should be taken within 72 hrs, but is most effective within 48 hrs.  Please contact reception as soon as possible to ensure you are seen within the time frame.  If it is out of normal practice hours either on a weekend or in the evening then please go to a Chemist to get appropriate treatment - this may be subject to a fee at the chemist although some chemists do this Free of Charge.

All contraception prescriptions are Free of Charge at the chemist.

If you cannot attend the Health Centre please follow the link below for external Sexual Health Centres: